14 October 2007

thank you blog god

i find my self writting every chance i get i love to write inspirational blogs
amazing how that works im now doing two a day.. now all i gotta do is get someone to read it lol
and ill infect the world

another try at poetic justice
as the girlwonder
salt filed drops like a tiny spec of seawater stains her face
her eyes buldge with dryness, they burn with pain, they're vivid with the color of wine
an oxymoron cold warmth.

she knows nothing of pain, she knows nothing of hurt, she knows nothing of let down
no, she is all too numb, this is last

she tries to remain open, she tries to stay focused, she tries to be man hungry
her attempt at male manerisms backfires... more lost she is,..
an oxymoron the blurred focus

she's tries to stay away from love, it's only magnified pain
she tries to understand her self , love her self, so that she can return the feeling
an oxymoron the pain feels good, it never hurt

she tries to put a word on a explanationless emotion
she tries to change
she tries to not controdict her self but she's always the moron
she's always the pained
she is always a woman
she will always be emotion filled
she will always cry
she will always have tears

- end

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