11 January 2008

so it seems that i sew it's seams

and make some wonderful print into a beautiful piece of clothing aka my life... my relationship with the cool. did i mention I'm totally and utterly and incontestably falling for a guy that I'm not to sure i should fall for... it like i want him to be the right one so bad that i cant seem to figure out where we are going to actually go. and i want it be long lived sooooo strongly that I'm willing to finally change everything I've been saying i was going to change for it... but my only doubt is where.... where are we headed... where is he headed.. where am i.. all of our hopes and dreams can sound beautiful and grand and that's all they will still be without work effort and time... what if we don't get it... yes.. doubt.. doubt of exactly how long we will stick this out. and exactly how long is forever... can we actually be with each other for eternity stand the test of time. could i have actually found my true love at the tender age of 18... there is always the question of who's better...well he makes me better so shouldn't that be enough... I'm confused right now...i want him to be my everything.. but I'm doubtful if i can... maybe it's what these retarded sex craved niggas put in my head.. or my father.. or my brother... or maybe it's my sub conscience trying to Sike me out of being happy... i do not know

but come the 16 of Feb... if all is said and done.. and all is fine and dandy.. then yes oh yes i shall live with this wonder guy of my dreams... and then from there we shall see what will come of it

... i do believe we will travel the world.. the 13 seas of a outer space intergalactic world... and move the Bahamas when were 60 and live out our days as Caribbean sweethearts taken in the sea...

i do love him .... and falling into it i am... i can only hope it's not infatuation...

07 January 2008

well..the same saying as always.
New year New Brie... i am ever changing , but ever staying the same
new guy in my life a good guy, a guy much like me with enough to diffrence to challenge my personality and my intellect and i gett supper geekish off of it i vibe off him and i can honestly say i do love him, quick love is not always good. but belive this time it is serious... but im not gonna hurt ne more i refuse to put my all with out the other 45 % cause see me in him we 10 for the rest of you losers to hate on how good we are... together... and how much we need each other apart.. its funny how you dont know you are missing nething untill you find it
we'll see where that goes

other news:
graphic design
fashion design

school and work will be a bitch
but like a wise man told me
once you finish something it's in your genetics to finish everything... and better myself i will this year i promise it to me and my higher being that i will not stray from my path... i dont care how normal it is to say it at the start of a new year. i will prosper...

and well. last news... i shaken off all the people that cant hold on... and i getting with people that can

fuck you lames...
i love me